All in one user-friendly solution
As always, we will manage all daily parking operations. The Autopay concept offers better solutions that improve parking management and service, adding value for different user groups, including:
1. Short-term parking
Autopay car parks have no barriers or parking tickets. The operating principle is very simple: a customer drives in, runs their errands, decides how to pay for parking, and drives out. The customer can pay for parking on the spot, automatically or afterwards – there are five different payment methods available. The customer does not have to worry about the parking time, as the parking time and charging end when the customer exits the car park. The customer can also pay at a pay station, in which case they must exit the car park within a certain period of time.
- Entrance and/or exit screens
The screens are usually located at the entrance and/or exit. The screens tell the customer whether the parking has already been paid for, whether the parking has to be paid for afterwards or whether the customer has a valid parking permit.

- Five payment methods
The customer can choose from five payment options:
– With a payment card at a pay station
– Mobile payment: EasyPark or ParkMan
– With a payment card online within 48 hours of exit
– Automatic payment card charge
– Invoice
Learn more about the payment methods »

2. Contract parking
Contract parking management is easy at The property owner/management company determines to whom parking rights are granted. The right to park is based on the registration number of the vehicle. Screens can be installed at the entrances to inform the users whether there is room in the company's quota. If the quota is exceeded, parking is charged for separately.
A specified number of parking spaces is reserved for the renter. The renter’s contact person can give the parking permits directly to the users via email. The users must sign up for the service and manage their own vehicle data.
The lessor can use the Autopay service to monitor the utilisation rate of its contract parking spaces. The parking spaces can be rented out by either the property owner, the management company or EuroPark.
- Digital management of parking permits
Physical access passes or parking permits are no longer required when parking permits are processed online. The costs of physical cards and access passes are history.

- Management of user data
The users can manage their own vehicle data. A single parking permit may contain the registration number information of more than one vehicle, but only one vehicle may be parked in the area at a time. The parking permit is used by the first vehicle to enter the car park. If another vehicle is parked in the area at the same time, the second will be charged according to the car park’s tariffs.

- Parking analytics
Autopay's parking analytics dashboard is user-friendly and real-time. Decision-making is easier when timely information is always available.

- Management of authorised vehicles
The management of service vehicles is easier when their information is added, updated and removed online.

3. Guest and customer parking
Renters can offer free parking time to their guests themselves or through the reception services of the property, hotel or shopping centre in question. Customer parking management is possible with Autopay's Tap & Park or Booking service, which are easy to use online.
- Tap & Park
You can grant a customer free parking time by entering the customer's vehicle registration number in the system. The refundable time is always the same for all guests, and its length is always determined in advance.
When the customer's vehicle registration number is entered in the service, the customer's parking fee is refunded for the agreed time period. If the customer leaves within the specified time frame, they do not have to do anything. It is possible to make the benefit usable only once a day, which eliminates benefit abuse.

- Booking service
The Booking service operates on the same principle as Tap & Park, but the length of refundable time is not standard. Renters can manage parking credits either in a web browser or by using the Booking app.
The Booking service can also be integrated into the company's own system, in which case parking time can be purchased in advance, for example in connection with other purchases. The service is often used by hotels, for example. Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre has an online shop tailored for them, where you can buy parking in advance.
Check out the Messuparkki service here »

Interested? Contact us!
Our goal is to continue to deliver the highest quality camera-based parking technology in Finland. We would be happy to tell you more.