

Entrance and exit

Opening hours


Open area

  • Open area as well as covered parking spaces.
  • Contract parking on the 2nd floor parking area.
  • The maximum heights vary in the covered areas: entrance and some spaces max. height 3 m, others 2.5 m

Tariffs 24/7


Between 12 midnight and 12 midnight2 hrs with a parking disc
  • Up to two hours with a parking disc.
  • The parking disc must be placed visibly on the dashboard inside the windscreen.

Payment methods

  • Parking disc

See payment methods »

The maximum permitted parking time in the area is two (2) hours.

Contract parking

Contract parking is only for those operating at the property.

The contract parking spaces are located on the upper level.

Our customer service helps with contract parking matters on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Customer service

Pay and Park
Customer service
weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.:
Telephone:  +358 (0) 207 907 300

Property Megakeskus Keskuskatu 3, 60100 Seinäjoki