P-Innopoli 3

Technopolis, Otaniemi, Espoo

Entrance and exit

Opening hours


Open area

  • Technopolis, Innopoli 3 guest parking area: outdoor area in front of the property’s B-building
  • Mobile payment only


Paid parking Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–4 p.m.

8 a.m.–4 p.m.EUR 1.00/hr

Payment methods

  • Mobile payment EasyPark (1123)
  • Mobile payment ParkMan

See payment methods »

First 2 hours: free parking

Follow these steps:

  • Start the parking in EasyPark’s (area 1123) or ParkMan’s mobile application as soon as parking begins.
  • If you are parking for more than two hours, parking will be charged according to the tariffs.
  • Stop the parking in the application when you are leaving the area.
  • Please note the mobile operators’ own agreement terms and conditions and service fees.


Customer service

Pay and Park
Customer service
weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.:
Telephone:  +358 (0) 207 907 300

Technopolis, Innopoli 3
Vaisalantie 1, 02130 Espoo